How much is shipping and how long does it take?
The shipping price depends on the product’s weight and size as well as the order’s destination, and you can check it on payment. Usually, we do not take more than 1-2 days for deliveries within the US. If you are ordering from outside, we can take up to 5 business days.

The Products Origin
What is biological cosmetics?

Biological Cosmetics are products made with biotechnology-based products or biological principles that use natural ingredients to ensure safety final products to the skin. Preventing reactions and cutaneous eruptions, biological cosmetics can have the same effectiveness with higher longevity.

I am an influencer, how can I collaborate with NAMU?
If you believe it is important to have a healthy skin in a health planet, send us a video with a motivational speech about your ideas and your social media profile(s) - Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. We will then give you a starter package with our products, so you can join us in this mission to make the world a better place.